We provide in-home family supports services to the person(s) and their family (including extended family members) in their family’s home and/or in the community to enable the person to remain in or return to their own home. Our staff will provide training for the person(s) and/or their family members to increase the person’s capabilities to care for and maintain their quality of life. These services will include assistance to develop, maintain, or improve skills related to activities of daily living (ADLs). Some of the services and training areas include:
- Household chores (e.g., bed-making, washing dishes, laundry)
- Eating and food preparation
- Personal hygiene and cleanliness
- Social and adaptive skills necessary to help the person (s) live in the community
- Health, safety, and wellness
- Household management.
For people on the DD Waiver, in-home family supports services are intended to meet the habilitation service requirement. The Habilitation services include developing, maintaining, and improving social, adaptive, other skills that are important to the person to be successful in their home and the community. Some of the service programs may include therapeutic activities, assistance, training, supervision, and monitoring. The Supervision and monitoring services cover these areas:
- Self-care
- Communication skills
- Community participation and mobility
- Health care, leisure, and recreation
- Household management
- Interpersonal skills
- Money management
- Increase of positive behavior and reduction or elimination of challenging behavior
- Sensory and motor development
- Socialization
Send Us Your Referrals
If you know anyone needing this service, refer them to us!